113 Holly Crescent, Suite 101, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Discover and Explore the Light Body Within You

Light Body Holistic


Light Language Healing 

This is a healing session that includes using  Light Language, Channeling Archangels, Ascended Masters, Shamanic healers, Ascended family and Galactic Light Beings This session will include Chakra clearing and Alignment  Focusing on healing generational trauma, removing old patterns and beliefs, shifting paradigms in the ancestral lineage.  Bringing messages forth from Spirit  Finding your purpose and spiritual gifts

30 minutes $65

60 minutes $125 

Light Language Activation

This session includes removing any chakra blockages, removing old contracts, attuning yourself to your inner knowing. Bringing forth messages from Spirit

$65 30 minute session 

Reiki Healing Session

Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy healing art and type of bio field energy therapy that originated in Japan.  A relaxing experience that involves the practical placing of hands on or near client to stimulate their natural healing abilities. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person- body, mind, emotions and spirit.  It can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.  The blocked emotional and physical elements that lead to illness and disease are cleared. It is the highest and most profound vibration of life Divine in origin, it all allows us all to become one with all things alive in our world. Reiki is pure unconditional love and joy bringing all who experience and embrace its principles together in harmony.  Reiki can help reduce pain, improve sleep and promote a sense of wellbeing.

40 minutes $70

Oracle Card Reading

Oracle card reading’s are a fascinating way to connect with your intuition and gain insight into various aspects of one’s life.

30 minutes $40

Client Testimonials

"A couple months ago I received a light language healing from Cynthia and found my voice. She has so much love and light within her and I felt enveloped in her care. From start to finish I felt illuminated as if my chakras were all glowing and I was suspended in her energy. It was really one of the best feelings I’ve felt. I didn’t even think I would speak. So to hear a song come from my mouth, I was astonished! Thank you Cynthia! "
Ebony W
"I received a light activation from Cynthia and it was a beautiful experience. I truly felt like I opened up to receive the light activation that I ended up in tears with this beautiful experience. I released the feelings of fear that were holding me back and stepped into a phase in my life where my heart feels free to express myself better. I absolutely recommend going through this experience."
Mayra R
"Love yourself and allow yourself to heal in a safe space. Lightbody is the safe place and Cynthia is the perfect guide/facilitator to guide you on your journey. Learning my light language hasn’t come as easy but they have been so patient. After every visit I believe I becoming a better version of myself!   Speaking with my spirit guides, ancestors, loved one is just what I needed! It was a safe space I could open up and be vulnerable. I received clarity  on so much. Hearing the light language was so powerful and now I’m allowing myself the freedom to speak in my light language. This experience was truly an experience that I want to experience again."
Qiana T

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